Saturday, August 28, 2010

Heres to having no free time

Cheers! So Tony and I have both started school! I am going full full time trying to finish up my degree as fast as possible. I am hoping to be done this next summer! Yay! Worst case scenario, I will graduate in the fall next year but finally the end is near. I am taking three online classes and two once-a-week classes and one yoga class for a little me time i suppose. Right now, tony is planning on taking two classes, still working out his school and work schedule with my school schedule too, so its a little crazy but we are looking forward to the change.
Also, we are looking forward to football season. Being a huge college football fan, I indulged myself in getting a little festive garb for elijah to celebrate.

His own little University of Utah shirt! He will be wearing this to all the football games we will go to. I think the rainbow is a good sign for our team.

Evie is getting cuter by the minute it seems. Smiling and cooing and buzzing her lips together. She still hates tummy time but she is getting good at rolling from her back to her tummy. Sorry this is the only pic I have with her in it this time.. elijah kind of steals the show.
Puddle Jumpin'. Towards the end he gets very concerned for his shoes.

His current favorite show is Blues Clues or Boo Cooz as Elijah puts it. He loves to sing "Maaaaaaail!"

Another recent favorite is burping, like Daddy.

1 comment:

Julie said...

you guys make really cute babies, i'm just gonna come out and say it.