Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The kids

I thought that since I dont blog enough about the little ones, I should have a mini photo shoot of them together since it seems like I have hardly any ( pics of them together, mounds of individual ones though). Needless to say, Evie was unimpressed with the idea.

But Elijah was definitely up for it.


Funny story, the other night, Elijah decided he didnt want to eat dinner which has been the case lately, so we went on an evening family walk. During the walk, we stopped at the snow cone stand! What I didnt think about was how elijah had pretty much an empty belly, now scarfing this sugar loaded ice and ice cream treat. When bedtime soon arrived, he did the usual cry bit, but when I went in to check on him after awhile there was red puke covering a number of items in his room. Namely, the pillow, blanket, and his pjs. Poor guy. Yuuck.

Then today, as tony is making us a yummy breakfast and i am in the living room, i hear Tony say, Ohhh elijahhh, did you throw up? What is tha.... OH LAURA COME HERE COME HERE.
There is milky poop that exploded out of the back of his diaper alllll over his booster seat. I rushed and got his shirt off, threw a towel on the kitchen floor to get the rest of him cleaned off and so he had his pancakes while taking a bath this morning.

Num num, kaaaake. as elijah puts it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awh, Evie is becoming quite the little chunk! I love it! She doesn't look so much like a newbie anymore :-( He he.