Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How much is TOO much

We've been having fun around here lately. But Im trying to soak up all the school time I can. Not that I dont love playing with the babes, but it is nice to have a little time each week to go be around my peers as opposed to pee-ers of pants. tony. just kidding. Man, so many diaper changes, we only have two kids right? Sometimes it can be oh so stressful but its made up for with moments like these

That boy refuses to go lay down for a nap then inevitably I find him passed out on the couch in the late afternoon.
School has been going well so far. We are adjusting well to the schedule I think, a bit daunting at times, but satisfying to be in academia once more! Meanwhile, Evie is working on charming the world. We are thinking about put her on Americas Got Talent.

Tony's been saving money by working out at home.

We went to a farm to pick our own produce this week! Elijah had some fun in the tomatoes, but decidedly stayed in the van most of the time.


Anonymous said...

I love these videos. He's actually paying attention to where he's going. Love the fact that he has to look through the steering wheel to see the road.
Miss you guys!
Aunt Tam

Mary said...

Evie is so beautiful!! And Oh my gosh, Elijah's face when he throws his arms in the air saying, "Moooeeee!" In the yo gabba gabba one CRACKS. ME. UP!

Anonymous said...

Definitely sounds challenging. I'm impressed that you do it all! I miss you, I hope I can see you soon!