Saturday, March 27, 2010


Not only referring to me being up this late, but little evelyn too! I was finally able to snap some pictures of her while she had her eyes open tonight. So far she has been somewhat of a night owl. She is more awake during the nightime eatings than the daytime, so I have made it to the nine pm and midnight ones for the past two days. It keeps me up late, but its also easier for tony and elijah too since its pretty much bedtime by the time i leave, so it doesnt seem like i am gone forever.
But anywhos, Evelyn was quite awake tonight.

And they also gave her a cute new hat to wear.

She had an awesome breastfeed tonight, so much so that they didnt even have to give her any milk through the tube! none! But unfortunately, her IV started leaking so after her dinner they had to take her to get a new IV placed.
But now I am just hanging out in the parents lounge, drinking a chocolate milk and waiting for midnight to roll around so I can go back and feed her some more! She has already gained a little weight

1 comment:

Cara said...

That is so great! She will have such a heads up since she is nursing now. Lincoln wasn't able to nurse until we were out of the hospital. It took him a little bit longer to catch on. :)