Last night, I walked in for one of Evelyn's eatings and I noticed she had some stange sticky residue on her cheek. So I was about to ask the nurse about it when I realized that it was there because there used to be a piece of tape there which used to hold her feeding tube in place! Her feeding tube has come out! Apparently though they did not mean for it to be out already, Evie just decided it was time and she was the one that pulled it out of place. So they decided they will not put it back in unless she needs it.
So talking to the pediatrician this morning, he said she was doing really well with her bottle feedings (when I am not here for a feeding, they just give her a bottle with my breastmilk in it, which is awesome because that means Tony will be able to participate in those late night/early early morning feedings when she gets home!). She is doing so well that as long as she starts gaining weight, she can come home in a couple of days. DAYS! Those are the words the pediatrician used.
So the nurses have already started prepping me for taking her home. I have watched a few different videos about crying and carseats and i will watch one about infant CPR. They also have to do a carseat test where Evelyn will sit in the carseat for like an hour or two and they will monitor her oxygen levels and things like that. So I will bring in her carseat today or tomorrow so they can get that done. Hopefully by the time she is ready to come home I will have all this prep work done so it wont be delayed! Maybe she will be home by easter! I need to go buy a tiny tiny easter dress.