Thursday, May 20, 2010


WE HAVE INTERNET ACCESS. Its a miracle, yes. the neighbors have bestowed upon us their password so we can use their internet, for a small monthly fee. I am all about splitting the costs to make things cheaper. So finally, for the first time in over a year, I am sitting comfortably in my own home, writing a blog for those who care to read it. Now I have no excuse for not posting updates with videos and pictures galore! celebrate!

So to kick things off, here are some more cute pictures of Evie.

Now lets get to the nitty gritty of happenings around here. This is what happens when I go out and leave the boys to eat the dinner i so graciously made even though I wasnt going to be there to eat it.

And to catch up on lost time, here are some past recent videos that I didnt have time to upload, the first is a short video of elijahs first haircut

And here is Elijah in his diaper roaring.

Tummy time! Its necessary for evie to have tummy time to build strength, but boy does she hate it sometimes.

Well, its getting late now, but dont fret! I can be back tomorrow to update! i love having internet!


Jen Evans said...

My thought process: "Oh, she's getting so big, lifting up her own little head! Oh, there's Tony's hand. Oh, she's quite small still! Little!!!"

Or something along those lines.

Mary said...

Wow, that lady was going FAST with those scissors! Evie is getting so big and her eyes actually work, that is so good. Yay for internets! Post everyday or I'll be mad! You have the sweetest little family.