Friday, May 21, 2010

Back Again

for more! I cant resist posting another blog even though I have nothing interesting to write about. Or maybe I do! Tony got his wisdom teeth pulled today. He passed out in the chair with a can of V8 that they had given him and poured most of it in his lap before he came back around a few seconds later. The dentist wouldnt let Tony walk home (we only live a block away) so he drove him. What a nice dentist we have. Now I wish I had taken a picture of him when his mouth was packed with gauze and he looked like he was storing food for later in his cheeks. Now he has a few hours post-op and he feels pretty good, gauze out, eating a liquidy diet of chocolate milk, protein shakes, and oatmeal.
Here are some random pictures of what goes on around here
After a hard day of playing

1 comment:

Mary said...

I like this frequency. Keep up the posting, Lars!