Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blogging in moderation

So with my newfound freedom in the land of internet, I have to control my urge to blog all the time. Some of you may be thinking, "but we love the pictures and videos!" You see, thats the thing, I dont have new or interesting photos every single day... or so I think.

I have found that I just need to have the camera ready and whenever there is a moment I find myself laughing at elijah, I grab it and take a pic or video! Or when I am Mamama-ing at evelyn and she is just looking at me like I am a crazy person, I should grab the camera!

I just need to get adjusted to doing more daily documenting so I can do daily blogging! I used to have to pick and choose what to blog about since I would only be able to do it once every two weeks and I would condense everything into whatever I could upload in my short window of time.

Now my time is limitless! So here is Elijah showing us the breakdance moves he learned from watching Step Up with me last night.

This is just waking up from a nap, watching cartoons.

Evie decided to start yelling at me soon after elijah woke up.

Dont worry I picked her up right after the video and discovered the culprit was a poopy diaper.

And finally, last week my sister in law was watching the kiddos for me and she got this picture...
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesnt belong....

1 comment:

eric.holoch said...

we have the same swing!