Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winter fashion/Tuesdays with Elijah

I made Evie try on a winter hat because, you know, it can be cold. So maybe its a little big, but i think she liked it.

Elijah even came over for a look.

OK, so it was my hat. But I think she wears it well for a teeny. Here is what our day is looking like.

This is usually how breakfast goes. Elijah doesnt know the names of all the cereals so i just point until I get the Yes dance. You'll see what Im talking about....I normally dont buy sugar cereals, unless you count variations of cheerios. So I dont know how elijah knew to be so excited about this one.

Here is what dinner can look like. Evie loves when elijah comes around and plays.

Mealtimes can be funny.

In other news, I am currently writing my LAST paper for the semester, then I have only to take four exams, and then we are off to our trip around America, starting in Disneyworld!!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Congrats on finishing up the semester Laura! Keep up the good work!