Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Big 8

So Evie turned 8 months last week. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO. seriously, this girl was born yesterday right? I just brought her home from the hospital didn't I? She is still adorably tiny, but looking back at her little premie pictures, she has come a long way.
Anyways, she finally cut some teeth, well, one.. tooth. Working on a second one i think. She's not crawling yet, she likes to lift up her arms and legs and sort of swim on the floor. She is getting pretty good at rolling to whatever destination she aims for. Today I found her practically halfway under the couch, her little legs at least, because she had rolled herself all the way from the middle of the living over there to play with a blanket while i did dishes. When elijah was 8 months he was already standing and almost walking along the furniture, but little Evie is going to be my tiny roll-y poll-y baby forever.

Here she is wearing her Sleep Sack which, by the way, is AWESOME. She was a pretty good sleeper before, but since Grandma Debbie got this for her, she sleeps, no kidding, from like 9 to 9 almost EVERY night. Elijah is two and has yet to be on that sort of schedule. His sleep schedule includes -wake up at two am and sneak into mommy and daddy's bed. I think Evie has crawling in her near future....

she loves that tongue.

And still prefers the fingers to a binky. Two-thirds of the way to one year.

Apparently, I need to feed elijah more because lately he seems to be eating anything that gets left on the counter. My lovely banana bread got ravaged by a certain two year old today.


Jen Evans said...

Elijah is a tornado. I love all the videos you post on here with Evie just watching him and laughing. She will be a good little sister.

Julie said...

laura she totally has your pretty eyes. i can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!