Friday, July 2, 2010

Sweet Ride

We bought a miiiniivannn we bought a miiinivaann. Yeah, i am super excited about it. I highly recommend it to EVERYONE. Well, at least everyone with children, otherwise its a lot of wasted space. But to those WITH children, oohh it is heaven. No breaking your back with leaning over to buckle/unbuckle the kids, no door to swing out and worry about hitting the car next to you with it whilst unbuckling children. It. Is. Awesome.

We werent really planning on buying it so suddenly. We had been looking online for awhile, trying to see what we could afford and trying to find the best one for our money. We were planning on having the volvo sold so we could do a good down payment. However, the first night we went out looking, we went to one place that had a promising sounding Ford Freestar. Lowish miles, good price, but when we got to the place it was one of those sketchy dealerships where they probably get the cars at auction then just pretty em up a little. And the van had 120000 miles. Not the 50k they had advertised online. Ok, see ya.

So we went to an actual reputable dealership in the same area I had gotten my car, which is and has been awesome. We had someone take us around, show us some minivans, but really the only one in our price range was the one I saw online. A Chevy Venture. 2003. 89k. The miles were a bit higher than we wanted but the price was just too good to pass up. It was on sale for two grand less than what they had priced it at! And it was the last day of the sale! So we decided to jump on it. Doing all the paperwork, the guy noticed that the dealership was actually LOSING 800 bucks by selling it at this price!

Anyways, we love it, Elijah loves it, and Evie could care less, but I like to think she likes it.
We have promptly cleaned out the volvo and posted it for sale. Someone is coming to look at it soon and we have a few emails about it too.

Anybody want to buy a 98 Volvo?