Thursday, November 20, 2008


So No knees and I have finally started working out. First we took a lap around the track to warm up. Elijah came too.

He made me do a number of ungodly tasks. Lunges, leg curls, hip abduction, and that was just day one! Ok, so it wasnt so bad but for some reason I am incredibly sore anyway. Maybe it has something to do with barely using those muscles in the past 6 or so months. Maybe. just sayin. But Im excited to get in shape. I asked if he could get me looking cut by christmas and he just said, "maybe you'll loose 8 lbs or so"

What! What?! 8lbs?.... I'll take it! Elijah is happy for me.
This is a cute onesie that tony's friend had made for elijah!

and right as i am posting this, elijah peed out of his diaper, all over me. while wearing that very onesie.


Julie said...

I love this baby so much.
Don't waste away to nothing! I need someone to cuddle with while we watch LOTR this year since Mary will be otherwise engaged. Mahhhhh hahaha. Ha.

Jen Evans said...

Love the guns. You should all wear matching and get Christmas photos done.