Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A bloggin' we will go, A bloggin' we will go,

Hooray a blog! I would like to thank Jenny for setting up the beautiful decor and taking care of the first post for me. Im lookin forward to all the comments of how funny I am and how adorable little E is. I would post more recent pictures but unfortunately all the pictures are on Tones camera and I dont have the software to load them up on my lappy. He is in Denver for the week visiting his bestie and auntie and alas, he took his computer with him.

So you will just have to make due for now with these...




kickin back.

1 comment:

Jen Evans said...

Yaaaay! I love your bebe! House to yourself, eh? Are you having a dance off with your pants off? Or perhaps that's none of my biz-nez.