Saturday, November 15, 2008

Elijah: A baby story

For the sake of codenames, my husband will henceforth be referred to as No Knees.

No Knees is still in denver so I have been finding ways to fill my time; walking around Gardner Village smelling the bakery, walking around IKEA smelling the furniture, and today I cleaned somewhat. The excitement never ends!

So I just FINALLY found out how to get pictures uploaded from my phone! huzzah! so now I can update all I want with new current yeeowza pictures.

Here is a snippet of the events of elijah's life from birth to now.

One day old! we are still in the hospital

First day home! couldnt fit in his hat yet

Here he is about 2 weeks old. his newborn onesie is so baggy

Maybe three weeks old. Cousin lizzie was visiting!

He is very focused here. This was just last week, 8 weeks old.

Today! This was the best shot I could get of a smile. A sort of smile. maybe a snarl.

The filler photos of 4-7 weeks can be seen in the previous post.

1 comment:

Julie said...

man oh man. i already love your blog! and only a month till i get to eat the toes of the little one! he is so squeezable it kills me.