Monday, April 25, 2011

How embarrassing

We went to the doctors office this morning to get that pesky rash checked out on little Elijah. After some screaming in the waiting room (elijah, not me, although after awhile I thought about it), we went back to see the doctor. We stripped elijah down to check out the poor red bum. He swabbed to check for a strep infection (I dont know, he said it happens) but that came back negative.

So long story short elijah got pantsed in the doctors office and he prescribed some steroid hydrocortisone cream to try for a few days. Hopefully it will help it go away, because this dang rash has been so persistent its been at least two weeks and every time Elijah has his diaper off, he immediately starts scratching. And it doesnt help that it is on his face cheeks and as of tonight, maybe I am being a paranoid mommy, but it seems like it is spreading to his eyes.

The doctor also had mentioned that it could be eczema related, a usually mild skin condition that I had on my elbows and knees a bit growing up. Dry, itchy, rough skin. Yuck.
I did get the chance to flip through a pediatric book of skin conditions complete with pictures. There is some pretty heinous stuff out there. As long as we dont have open sores, I can deal and I think Elijah can too.

I will have a better idea of how the cream is working in the morning with the first diaper change of the day.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter, Daddy

Sorry if the sound is a little off.

You may notice Elijah has a little rosey cheek in the video, he has been getting this skin irritation rash sort of thing lately. He is going to the doc's tomorrow to see what is up. Whats up with that, whats up with that!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Childhood Obesity.

We've decided to move to Virginia!!!! April Fools.

Videos from my awesome sister's awesome blog.

Evie eating. Michelle Obama, here is your poster child.

Or wait, maybe this is your poster child.

But we get our exercise in too!

Friday, April 15, 2011

We went to the aquarium...

two weeks or so ago. Forgive the delay, but things have been busy. My semester is coming to end (Two more weeks!) then graduation (!) but then the summer semester to do final classes :/
Tony has officially moved out. Good riddance! Just kidding he is moving now to get things going in MN, and since Papa Mickey is out here to so generously lend his help and support to us, its all good in the neighborhood. ...I guess its getting late when I start using 90s phrases. We will be following later to join him in St Paul, MN.
But anyways, the aquarium. Elijah loves Finding Nemo lately, so needless to say, he loved it.

Some fish looked like they could eat him. Seriously, fish are scary. I wouldnt want to get in water with these things swimming underneath.
And then we found the penguins.

Who knew there would be penguins at the aquarium? Well, there are at this aquarium. Elijah actually wasnt super interested. More Nemo, please.

He was a lousy first mate on our canoe, watch where you're going and use the paddle!
I am still not convinced that this is the actual size of emperor penguins.
Seriously? seriously. THAT big?
This is also actual size of a toad.
We rode him to the aquarium.

On a side note, Jen and Lizzie are here for the week to visit! So far we have been to the mall, out to eat, to the other mall, out to eat, to the childrens museum which is at the mall, and papa mickey house. Tomorrow is Brooklyn's birthday party, but we could probably still fit in a visit to the mall.

Monday, April 4, 2011

That about sums it up.

Sometimes its the greatest and you are so full of love and gratitude for the little babies around you. You wake up in the morning to find a little boy who has invaded your bed and after saying "I love you" you finally hear in return a tired little morning voice respond, "I yuv oo too mama".

And then sometimes you have those nights where your husband is out of town and you have to call your mom for advice on how to treat a mild burn from a certain little boy climbing onto the counter and placing his hand on the (recently turned off, but still) hot burner and you call your dad to see if he can come help you because not only do you have to treat a burned hand, but another certain baby girl has pooped every single diaper that day and has acquired a quite heinous diaper rash and is screaming on the floor and you have neither diaper cream (ran out) nor burn gel or aloe vera sort of lotion.

Needless to say, we made a late night trip to Walgreens where our shopping list consisted of
-Max Strength Diaper Cream
-BurnJel ointment

I might have thrown that last one in there to offset the screaming children. For myself.

But now Papa Mickey stopped by to offer his papa-ness to turn the night around. Evie played with him. Elijah used him to assist in jumping off the couch. But now Evie is soundly asleep, with a heavily rash-creamed bum, Papa has gone home despite Elijah's best attempts to block the door, and now Elijah's hand is bandaged and we are watching Wow Wow Wubzy and sharing oreos. Back to basking in motherhood.

Diaper rash makes baby sad:Mild burn, cool hand wrap:

But some of the time she sounds like a jolly old man

Notice how elijah chimes in with an occasional 'Spaghetti!'