Monday, April 4, 2011

That about sums it up.

Sometimes its the greatest and you are so full of love and gratitude for the little babies around you. You wake up in the morning to find a little boy who has invaded your bed and after saying "I love you" you finally hear in return a tired little morning voice respond, "I yuv oo too mama".

And then sometimes you have those nights where your husband is out of town and you have to call your mom for advice on how to treat a mild burn from a certain little boy climbing onto the counter and placing his hand on the (recently turned off, but still) hot burner and you call your dad to see if he can come help you because not only do you have to treat a burned hand, but another certain baby girl has pooped every single diaper that day and has acquired a quite heinous diaper rash and is screaming on the floor and you have neither diaper cream (ran out) nor burn gel or aloe vera sort of lotion.

Needless to say, we made a late night trip to Walgreens where our shopping list consisted of
-Max Strength Diaper Cream
-BurnJel ointment

I might have thrown that last one in there to offset the screaming children. For myself.

But now Papa Mickey stopped by to offer his papa-ness to turn the night around. Evie played with him. Elijah used him to assist in jumping off the couch. But now Evie is soundly asleep, with a heavily rash-creamed bum, Papa has gone home despite Elijah's best attempts to block the door, and now Elijah's hand is bandaged and we are watching Wow Wow Wubzy and sharing oreos. Back to basking in motherhood.

Diaper rash makes baby sad:Mild burn, cool hand wrap:


HT said...

You amaze me, woman. :-)

Julie said...

luckily you have really cute babies. elijah probably loves the bandage, he looks like a tough little boy. definitely tony's kid. haha.

*word verification - distoot*