Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Leaves are falling all around

 They make a carpet on the ground... I forget how the rest of that goes.  In this case however, its not a carpet, but a big fluffy pile to jump into.  Elijah and Evie would disappear when they jumped into it because it was so high.  Tony pulled out a step ladder so they could get a good angle for the jump.

 Tony tried to get in on the action, but was quickly butted out by those who wanted to jump.

 Elijah helped with the piling of the leaves
 And also the jumping-into of the leaves.

It is very beautiful here during the fall, the leaves on the street in front of the house are bright yellow and glow through the windows when the sun comes out.  I love it!  Now if we could get like a week of snow, then have it be spring, I'd be good.

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