Saturday, October 16, 2010

They should invent a faster mode of travel than car.

Yes, I am aware of airplanes, but they are too darn expensive sometimes, we're in a recession people! I am also aware that pioneers had to walk pulling handcarts across the country blah blah blah, fifteen hours in a car is a long time.
Which leads me to say we spent this past week in South Dakota visiting Tony's family!

Meet stefan. Stefon? either way, here is an enormous dog that we insisted that elijah hug.We visited some of tony's friends at the end of their band practice, little did they know elijah was there to join the band.

Elijah demanded that Scott join him in his jam session

More hugs.

We got to visit friends that had their little guy in sept at 33 weeks. Same stats as evie, about 4 1/2 lbs. He got to come home last week, I think it was because he was excited we were coming and he wanted to meet us. I cant believe Evie was that size, it was like holding just a blanket. He was such a cute sleepy little man.
Can you believe it? I think he is almost 6lbs and evie almost 13.

We like him. By the way, Hannah, i am still considering cloth diapers, but after the blowout poop storm that happened yesterday, I am not so sure.
Elijah got to play with pal Aiden, but mostly wanted to run around and play in the arcade.

Falls in sioux falls, who knew.

On our road trip home we stopped at a few places to be tourists. Went to a place called Wall Drug.And a little place called Mt Rushmore. Elijah called it Shuh Shooor!

Here is evie being cute.


Jen Evans said...

I know that dress! SO I have to comment on the pic of the dog with his eyes closed - ? He looks a little pretend. Also, Elijah rock. Shout shout.

Julie said...

that's really cute when lijah grabs his buddies hand to drum with him.

oh, babies, why are you so cute all the times.

Hannah said...

Adorable photos! It was sooo nice to see you guys again! And all I have to say about pooslosions: Cloth contains it better. For real.

That is all :-)

Let me know if you need any cloth advice and I will come to you for all the other parenting advice!!



Anonymous said...

The pics in front of Shuh Shoor are super cute! I bet those will be favorites in years to come when the kiddos are big. Loves!