Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween: check.

Next comes thanksgiving, then, Christmas! Oh how I love the holiday season! Our halloween has been fairly uneventful(see below), but still its exciting just that its halloween.

Yesterday, the kids and I went to our church Trunk or Treat (which i forgot to take any pictures of, whoops). Basically, you decorate the open trunk of your car all Halloweenie-like and the kids walk around with their parents and trick or treat to your trunk! Its the safe way of doing it these days, I suppose. We mainly stuck to our van trunk and didnt do so much of the walking around since we had plenty of candy to share already. It was lots of fun, we saw lots of buzz lightyears this year. And in case you forgot, Elijah was Brobee
So far tonight we havent gotten any trick or treaters. NONE! what kind of place do we live in! No trick or treaters! Anyways, I am super bummed because we had awesome pumpkins this year.

Oh and this really did happen earlier this week.

1 comment:

Hannah Parker said...

Your pumpkins are awesome! We had ZERO trick or treat-ers also. Sad story!