Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So far, October is shaping up nicely.  The kids and I have been making the most of our time, hitting up every storytime in the area and starting to spend more time at the gym, weasling our way back in to Tony's life.  He has been so busy at the gym these past few weeks, and while we are VERY grateful that he is getting the business, it also means he is usually gone from 5am to almost 9pm.  He has a break for a few hours at a time between classes during the day, but he uses that time for more business stuff; improving the gym, sending emails, running errands, etc. 

Now I am trying to get more family time in by finding things that I can do to ease up Tony's load a bit, helping with some time consuming tasks that mostly have to do with finances.  At least that way we all spend time together.  Evie cant get enough of Daddy.  Elijah mostly just really likes watching his Thomas movie at the gym.

So this next month will mostly consist of getting more involved at the gym (for me, at least), baking (lets face it), and anticipating the arrival of baby Taylor, and also praying for the health of my Sis in law and her little bun in the oven as well, which will come after the new year.  Maybe a little house hunting as well?  We will just list that under tasks that have to do with finances.

Fun stories: 
Evie loves to walk around now!  But only if you are holding her hand(s).  I catch her making little attempts at walking occasionally, but not much effort is exerted.  She sure does like to take her sweet time.

Last night, Elijah woke up and climbed into bed with us (a normal occurance).  We giggled for a little bit and then I told him that I loved him.  Elijah responded by turning the other way and telling Tony, "I love you, Daddy."  Burn.

1 comment:

Julie said...

aww elijah just wants to be loved equally by both his parents.

so when will baby Taylor get to meet the Koens family??