Friday, July 22, 2011


Sometimes when there are kids all around you, you forget about the fun part and get honed in on the 'do it right' or the 'dont do that' s of parenting. For instance sometimes kids do things with their own flare, and rather than stepping back and relishing the amusement they get from it, you step in and tell them the 'correct' way of doing it.

Today Elijah got himself an applesauce cup from the fridge. He brought it to me to help him open it then I told him to go grab a spoon to eat it with. He came back from the kitchen jingling. Jingling? He had the whole collection of measuring spoons in his hands. I almost told him to go back and just get one spoon, but stopped myself and laughed as he proceeded to use every spoon on the ring. In order. Going through the cycle until he finished the applesauce. Nice.

Also, I got ambushed today with a face full of diaper. Evie sat on my face while I was laying on the floor. I couldn't get her to stop unless I stood up. She thought it was the greatest thing since beating up daddy.

1 comment:

Julie said...

ohhhhh babies. why are you all so funny.