Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New ish things

Exciting things are happening around the Koens household. Elijah has been picking up on words like craazay, although most of them end up sounding the same in Elijah language. At least he is trying instead of just ignoring us like he used to do. We have been working alot on animal sounds lately.
His favorite to say is Arf arf. His versions of animal sound go kind of like this; cat says maa, dog says af aff, duck says cack, frog says RREB BEHH, snake says ttthhhsssss and bird says thee th tht thth th.

he's pretty awesome.

Evie learned how to roll herself over! She actually started doing this a few weeks ago, but it took me this long to remember to film it. Elijah celebrated with a dance.

With our upcoming trip, we are trying to make things as easy as possible for all of us to travel around. We came across this travel bed for babies at our beloved Target! its pretty much just a little contained area for baby to sleep or play in on the go. It folds flat and fits into a suitcase. can you say perrrfeectt. Naturally, this was the first thing to happen as soon as it hit the floor.

Eventually, we got to test it out for reals and she loves it! slept all day in it.

We cant wait to go on our vacay


Anonymous said...

So I haven't been following blogs for awhile ( I read in spurts), and I expected one, maybe two posts, and you had like six! I understand you have internet now? Where are you going on vacation?!? Thanks for making my day with several posts about your adorable children. :-)

Laura K said...

haha why thank you! we are visiting tonys fam in MN and then my fam in VA! fun fun fun