The other morning, we were doing our normal morning routine. I get up first and walk around aimlessly for a few mins before starting on some food in the kitchen, then elijah stumbles out with a big smile on his face. After standing next to me for a bit, elijah will run off while pulling his pants down and yelling, "OH! I have to go potty!" and off for his morning bathroom trip.
Except that morning, after he is in the bathroom I hear, "MAAAAAAAAAMMAAAAA!!!!! MAMA!!!"
I thought something horrible had happened or something like he started peeing and then didnt realize he had to poop too or something. Either way I ran to the bathroom to see what was wrong. Elijah was backed against the wall and his lips were white because there was a bug in the toilet.
It was one of those gross scary long leg centipede looking bugs and it was crawling around the inside bowl of the toilet.
Elijah just looked up at me and said, "I went peepee on da floor."