Hello Everyone it's been almost a month since wev'e post a blog. we still don't have a camera. Also for anyone that doesn't know we are having a baby girl in May. that was a big surprise, since we were convinced it was to be a boy.
we got lots of fun lovely presents from family afar. and thank you to everyone! tony mainly got kitchen stuff for me. thats all i ever want. new pots and pans, corningware, etc. and since tony really didnt give me a whole lot to go off of for what he wants, he got two of a few things. elijah got a billion toys! we wanted him to be excited about opening presents and stuff, but he was just excited when we gave him a toy, then he would get mad if we took away that toy in order to get him to open another, so we eventually opened his presents by ourselves and let him discover them later.
for new years we got sick. thats right. happy new year, i had a fun breakfast and big yummy dinner planned but instead i spent the day at mike and ambers laying on the couch and occassionally getting up to puke. the good news is that tony was able to get the bathroom pretty much redone! yay! it looks thirty times better. new floor, no more gross dark peel and stick tile. new bright paint, painted the old 80s wood cabinets a nice off white and a new toilet that isnt permanently yellow inside. and our landlord let us take all that cost of it out of our rent!
however, with all the joy, i was still slightly sick the next day AND elijah started throwing up too. we took him to the drs and they said he just had a lot of mucus and it would make him gag. yuck. then the next day tony started throwing up. yeah. i know. luckily for both of us it was mainly a 24 hour thing.
so today, we moved all the stuff out of the kitchen and tony is ripping up gross peel and stick tile in order to lay new tile! yay!!! our landlord is paying for that too! and a new stove! that has four working burners and an oven that wont turn off ten minutes into cooking and you only discover thirty minutes later when your brownies are definitely not cooked.
yay for renovations. jenny, when you guys get a house, we are totally prepared to do your updates.